Thursday, April 22, 2010

Online auto insurance comparison

Auto insurance:

Online comparison of auto insurance companies is the new buzzword when selecting an insurance policy for your car. I found this site ideal for auto insurance comparison- It has a very short video presentation which tells you the plus and minus points of comparing various auto insurance companies.

Selecting auto insurance can be a headache, what with scores of policies from dozens of auto insurance companies. However, with this site, a few clicks and strokes of the keyboard, takes you through a number of leading insurance companies, to help you compare the pros and cons of each policy right on your own desktop. Just enter your zip code in a box and you get to compare the auto insurance from a number of companies. Among the details covered on this page are- prices, service, reliability and financial strength of the company etc. Additional benefits are that this process is absolutely free with no obligations at all. For auto insurance comparison, this web page: gives a very good option.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Of wounded "Tigers" and Presidents

The story is all too familiar - a big shot is the all American hero...and suddenly he is made out to be the bad guy, just because of some dirt under the carpet. I am referring to the Tiger Woods episode and Bill Clinton of yesteryear. There is a lot of hypocrisy in both these stories and a lot of slime that is smeared not on the so called "culprits" but on a whole system that revels in edification of a hero, one moment, and ready to tear him down the next.
Despite all the so called modernization and liberal values that countries like the US profess, the basic culture smacks of a lot of conservatism and a familiar repeat of the mob culture. Why does a country like the States, fear or condemn a person like Clinton or Tiger Woods when the vast majority of the population have accepted teenage pregnancy and loss of virginity in an unwed woman is considered a virtue. Interesting and definitely worth thinking about. After all, the women involved were not minors but consenting adult females. Surely, the leaders in today's society will only reflect the culture that surrounds them!